In the heart of Sonoma Valley lies the wine estate of Dry Creek Vineyard.   “Dry Creek” as it’s known to it’s fans is among the best producers in Sonoma.  They consistently turn out high quality wines, but are most widely known for their Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc and Zinfandels. I’ll report on the two former whites before the Spring/Summer sipping season gets into full bloom. For now, find some of this lovely Zinfandel and set it aside for hearty grilling fare. 
The 2009 Somers Ranch Zinfandel is a single vineyard Zinfandel sourced from Somers Ranch exclusively for Dry Creek Vineyard.  In the glass, the wine is dark purple and while clearly youthful, is already developing quite a complex aroma.  The nose is full of flowers, ripe spicy fruit, eucalyptus, and that unique Zinfandel “perfume”.  In the mouth, the wine is medium to full bodied and seemed to put on weight with air time. The bold fruit flavors come through and are surrounded by the acids that keep the wine lively.  
As Zinfandels go, this can be a little pricey at $27, but the wine stands out as being unique, and worthy of the tariff.  
Zinfandel has a long established home in the Dry Creek Valley. It’s often thought of as distinctly American, but recent research has shown the grape to be the descendent of the Italian Primitivo variety.  Still, great examples come from Dry Creek Valley and this is one that’s worth trying.  91 points.

2009 Dry Creek Vineyard – Somers Ranch Zinfandel

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