As a wine writer, sometimes you get trapped in the notion of, “if the wine isn’t good, I shouldn’t call it out.”  I try to stay away from that mindset at all costs.  For my readers to feel comfortable when I recommend a wine, they must also feel comfortable knowing when wines out there are not worth their time or money.  Don’t you agree?  The key – as with anything – is to be polite and objective. I would love nothing more than to taste wines that rate only 90 points or higher, but that’s just not realistic.  In the simplest terms, I call them as I taste them. 

The 2010 Baron Ricasoli Chianti 1141 is disappointing.  It’s a light to medium ruby in the glass.  While the wine was not decanted, it was tasted during a cocktail party with various cheeses, cured meats, meatballs, etc.  I had ample time to aerate the wine in my glass. 

The nose is faint, with dried herb and dried fruit flavors.  Despite the youth of the wine, there seems to be little vibrancy to the fruit.  In the mouth, the wine is light to medium bodied with a core of simple cherry fruit and a faint trace of acidic backbone.  This is simple, quaffable, and nothing more. It’s a wine to pour and dismiss without a thought. It might make a good pairing with pizza, but frankly, you can find better chianti classico for the money, or opt for a dolcetto or zinfandel instead.  84 points, about $10. 

Ricasoli Chianti 1141 – Simple stuff

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