It was a great weekend here in the east and although the hazy, hot and humid, weather was more July like than Memorial Day like, there was really no rain to speak of.    No heading down the shore this year, as we were busy with lots of gardening, and the mother of all endeavours, moving!  A quiet, relaxing dinner Sunday night was just the ticket.
We started with a long time favorite.  East Coast Oysters on the half shell.  Plump, sweet and briney, these were so delicious.  Accompanying were seasoned vinegar and hot sauce on the side.  Really delicious with, ahem, Cosmo’s.  We like pink!  Say what you will, it was very refreshing….

East Coast Oysters
Following this, was local raised Organic Chicken from Griggstown Quail Farm.  In keeping with the American Holiday weekend theme, we ordered the reasonably priced 2010 Seghesio Sonoma Zinfandel to pair with this.  The Seghesio Family has been making wine in Sonoma Valley since their Italian Ancestors immigrated to San Francisco in the early 1900’s.  Through prohibition, they survived making “Sacremental Wine” and this history is evident in the quality of their wine.  This Zinfandel is dark violet-purple in the glass with wonderful classic Zinfandel aromas of berries, lavendar, briar patch and spice. In the mouth, the fruit is foward, plump and delicious.  Slight licorice, spice and berry flavors are clean and comples and finish with dusty Sonoma tannins framing the whole picture. Rather delicious with the cast iron chicken, spaetzle and broccoli rabe and definitely worth buying in the future.  Good value too.  91 points, about $18 retail.

Cast Iron Chicken with Spaetzle & Broccoli Rabe

 And the 2010 Seghesio Zinfandel…..

2010 Seghesio Sonoma Zinfandel


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