~ A beautiful Tuscan morning at Castello Banfi Borgo ~

Sometimes the classics are simple.  Very simple.  Perhaps that’s what makes them classics in the first place.  Today we’re featuring a recipe that could not be easier to create.  No odd ingredients.  No advanced technique. No special equipment.  In fact, it’s just grilled lamb.  But at it’s heart, is a wonderful condimento that elevates the entire dish.

Scottadito means “burned fingers” in Italian.  This dish takes that saying as it’s name because these lamb chops are so delicious that you can’t resist eating them fresh off the grill and burning your fingers.  If you’re using only rib chops, I can understand the temptation.  In fact, the name of the dish can almost become a self fulfilling prophecy.  In the case below, I had a mixture of loin and rib chops.  It doesn’t impact the flavor of the finished dish but perhaps slightly, the legend.

Grilled Lamb Chops Scottadito

12 rib or loin lamb chops
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary (1 held in reserve)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt & Pepper to taste

In a small bowl, mix the garlic, 2 tablespoons of the rosemary,  olive oil, salt and pepper and combine well.  Lay the lamb in a shallow glass pan and pour the marinade over the meat.  Toss the meat to fully coat all sides.  Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.  The longer you let it sit, the better the marinade will penetrate the meat.  I left it to sit for 6 hours.

~ Here’s the meat a glass baking dish with the marinade applied. Simply cover with Saran and refrigerate ~

When you are ready to grill the meat, start a fire over high heat.  Grill the lamb chops 4 minutes per side for rare to medium rare. The inside will be warm, pink and juicy.  Because the marinade contains a fair amount of olive oil,  tend the grill the entire time so the meat doesn’t flare up.   Transfer to a warmed platter, sprinkle with the remaining rosemary and serve immediately.  Let anyone who wants to test the legend do so!

~ Lamb Chops Scottadito – If you like, you can also drizzle the meat with a fine extra virgin olive oil ~


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