This is a tremendous appetizer and each time I’ve made it, it’s received rave reviews and many requests for recipes.  As I looked back through my past articles, I noticed that I’ve mentioned it several times but never actually put the process down on paper.  Here goes: 

Cannellini e Gamberi Toscana

15-18 Shrimp –  cleaned, tails on.  I use high quality raw frozen.  You can use fresh and I have, but haven’t seen a drastic difference in the result. 
2 cans white cannellini beans, rinsed.
1 small onion, sliced into thin half moons
2-3 cloves garlic, sliced
Small handful of parsley, chopped coarsely
2-3 pats butter
Extra virgin olive oil 
Salt & Pepper to taste
Crushed Red Pepper 
In a large saute pan, sweat the garlic and onion in about 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil.  As they are softening, drain the beans and rinse lightly.  Season the garlic with salt, pepper, and red pepper and allow to soften fully. Once done, remove from heat, add the beans to the pan and stir to coat. 

This can be done ahead of time and left to marinate for a few hours.  Taste for seasoning, you will likely need to add salt and pepper.  
Once the shrimp are thawed, melt the butter in another saute pan.  Add the shrimp and warm through. As the shrimp are warming, return the beans to the heat.  If they are a little dry, add a drizzle or two of olive oil.  Once the shrimp are cooked, pour the shrimp and butter into the beans and stir to incorporate. Stir gently so the beans don’t get mashed.  Add the parsley, stir to combine, warm through and serve.  

This makes 5-6 appetizer portions with each dinner guest receiving 3-4 shrimp.  Pass extra crushed red pepper.  

The finished product….

Tuscan White Beans with Shrimp
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