Earlier this year I sat down for an interview with Giampaolo Tabarrini.  That interview can be viewed here: Tabarrini Interview
During the interview, Giampaolo made the following comment about his Sagrantino, Campo alla Cerqua.

“Vigna Campo Alla Cerqua:  Smoother, the most feminine; more experimental and mineral. Fresh, fruity and sought after. Probably not the most traditional Sagrantino, but a really elegant version.  You won’t find something similar in Montefalco.  The most elegant and feminine of the three.”

I’ve included the quote here because I couldn’t agree more. The 2007 Campo Alla Cerqua Sagrantino di Montefalco is a massive wine. In the decanter, the wine is a bright black with purple reflections. The nose leaps from the glass. Yes, it’s possible to smell this wine from feet away. Flowers, minerals, crushed black fruits and lavendar emerge from the glass. In the mouth, the ripe fruit is encased in a powdery, dusty essence that is a tactile sensation I’ve not experienced in a wine before. It’s unique, delicious and completely mouth watering. The flavors follow the nose, with length and intensity in wonderful balance.  It is surely elegant, and more feminine. It’s graceful.  Not a bruiser like some other Sagrantino or the 2006 Colle alla Macchie  that I reported on previously. 

Stunning, and worth stocking up on.  94 points, about $40.

2007 Tabarrini Campo alla Cerqua Sagrantino di Montefalco

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