Before Fall turns to the comforting foods and wines of late Fall and Winter, football season dominates and doesn’t allow much time for posting.  But you can bet, the cooking continues. 

Bruno Giacosa is arguably the greatest producer of Barolo and Barbaresco in Italy. A staunch traditionalist, his wines age well, and typically develop very slowly in bottle.  This 1996 Barbaresco is no exception. I thought maybe it would be showing something – but not yet. Other than potential for future beauty. It’s elegant, but in an understated way. The nose is starting to gain complexity, with leather, tar, and fruit; but the palate is still one dimensional and although the ripe nebbiolo core is there, it’s not singing like I would have hoped.  Hold these in the cellar.  Too early to score this one.

1996 Bruno Giacosa Barbaresco

We paired this wine with an amazing standing rib roast that was put on a spit over the barbecue. Salt and Pepper is all you need to get crisp skin and delicious rare meat. Invoke the KISS principle when you’ve got good ingredients and let them shine! Have a looksie..
Does this even need a caption?
I also served a large “Arugula Fritter” that I created. I have to say, although unlike the appetizer from a local restaurant I was trying to copy, it was still very tasty.  What you’ll need:
Bread crumbs and egg – I used leftovers from breading chicken cutlets. To this I added:  salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, a bunch of diced arugula, and a clove of finely minced garlic. Mix to combine and spread it thinly in a non-stick frying pan that has just enough extra virgin olive oil in it to keep it from burning. What you get is….
Arugula Fritter
It’s important to go easy on the salt when you mix it, because I like to crack some fresh sea salt on it as soon as it’s done frying.
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