Each year, the Gambero Rosso publishes it’s list of “Tre Bicchieri” awards in their magazine. Tre Bicchieri means “three glasses” and wines receiving the coveted designation are typically special wines of the highest quality, that distinguish themselves from their counterparts.  So when I saw this wine available for less than $20, I jumped.
The 2008 Villa Medoro Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is a recent Tre Bicchieri winner.  Montelpulciano too often is forgotten because of it’s tendencies to be mass produced or blended into wines with little or no personality.  However, this wine shows how wonderful wines made from the grape can be.  I decanted the wine for about an hour to give it a chance to open up.  In the decanter, it is the darkest of bright purples. I love it – gorgeous to look at!  In the glass, the wine offers very pretty aromas of plums, slight grapiness, eucalyptus, and a lovely floral bouquet. In the mouth, it’s medium bodied, with bright fruit flavors, a sweet tobacco/licorice component and a soft minerality.  It’s delicious, and easy going, the perfect foil for many foods and approachable now.  It paired great with simple roasted chicken, and baked cauliflower with parsley, cheese and breadcrumbs.  I think a few years in the cellar might allow this to develop some complexity, but it’s hard not to love this now.  89 points.  About $17. 

Gambero Rosso Tre Bicchieri winner:  2008 Villa Medoro Montepulciano d’Abruzzo
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