Sad to report the news that legendary Brunello icon, Franco Biondi Santi has passed away. Reports are emerging from Montalcino and VinItaly in Verona. Updates will follow as they become available. Riposa in pace. Franco Biondi Santi was 91 JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to AWeber ( more information ) Looking for even more wine tasting notes, recipes, news, and insider info not found anywhere else? Sign up for the Tuscan Vines newsletter. We hate spam. Your email address will not be sold or shared with anyone else. Uncategorized April 7, 2013 1 Comment 1280
Reply NHwineman April 7, 2013 at 3:02 pm John, lots of sad news today; reminds me of a song from "The river of no return": While we're rafting, let's offer a "Salute", maybe some good will, so as we look back, we have few if not the rarified no-regrets.
John, lots of sad news today; reminds me of a song from "The river of no return":
While we're rafting, let's offer a "Salute", maybe some good will, so as we look back, we have few if not the rarified no-regrets.