Mostly known as a Zinfandel Producer, the Dry Creek Vineyard in Sonoma should not be forgotten as wonderful proprietor of classic Meritage wines.  By loose definition, a Meritage is a blended wine – typically including the classic grapes of the Bordeaux region; but with California ripeness and style. 
However, their flagship wine could very well be the Endeavour Cabernet Sauvignon.  Almost entirely Cabernet, you wouldn’t know it by the smoothness of its tannins.  The nose is redolent with crushed black fruits, sweet tobacco, and leather.  On the palate, the wine delivers incredible mouthfeel with ripe fruits, slight oak, lots of caressing dusty tannins and a long finish.  Seek this one out for your Christmas standing rib roast. It will not disappoint.  Delicious.  94 points.

The 2003 Endeavour Cabernet Sauvignon
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