Allegrini has been making wine for centuries; championing the indigenous varietals from North East Italy. Indeed,  on the outskirts of Verona, Allegrini sources the grapes for many of it’s wines; Palazzo della Torre among them. 

Palazzo della Torre, like many of it’s Tuscan counterparts to the south, is a wine that became what it is today by casting aside the DOC rules that applied to it.  Indeed, the wine was formerly a Valpolicella Classico, but Allegrini realized that it could make a superior product by eliminating the mandatory inclusion of the inferior Molinara grape and limiting the wine to only two grapes: Corvina, and Rondinella.  The results have proven that decision correct. 

The 2009 Allegrini Palazzo della Torre, named after the Allegrini family home, is a deep vibrant ruby in the glass with purplish violet hues.  The nose of the wine is redolent with Alpine herbs, flowers, dark cherries and a hint of saline.  On the palate, the flavors are fresh, juicy and lively.  There’s a moderate amount of complexity, with black cherry, slight licorice, and toast flavors woven together seamlessly. The slight raisined character to the wine comes through as well, a subtle nod to the ripasso method that is used to create this wine.  

At about $12-$15, it’s hard to find better quality and value from a Veronese red.  You can easily drink these over the next 5-7 years while any Amarone or La Poja you may have resting in the cellar matures. 90 points, Bravo!

2009 Palazzo della Torre: Veronese Rosso from Allegrini

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